"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-- Romans 12:2

Saturday, January 14, 2006


so yeah i havent posted in a while so i think i'll post now... i've been meaning to post on this topic for a while so i will...

as we have gone back to schoolsince christmas break i have noticed how sinful the people act... there is so much swearing that people use and so many people use sexual jokes and its all extremely dirty! it sickens me every time i hear someone say a cuss word. i cant get through one bus ride without hearing at least 20 swear words come out of the moiths of the people on my bus and sadly enough thats only in the morning... its terrible. people will use my faith against me and mock me for it, i know that 2 timothy 3:12 says "yes, and all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" but it still is hard. the people on my bus will use swear words against me if i even so much as bring up the words "youth group" and since i listen to my christian music i get ridiculed for that too, i am the only person on my bus who is saved (other than my sister) and no one will listen to me. i have no back up for God and i am looked upon as weak and pathetic because i dont get my strength from SATAN and his band of DEMONS like everyone else... some people even say "go to h---" because i dont join in and make fun of people or say that because they're not virgins anymore tey're cool, i quietly sit in my seat listening to FFH and i silently say a prayer everyday for them, actually everytime i hear a swear word come out of their mouth i say a prayer for that person who said it. i feel useless to God because i feel like i am failing him by not speaking up more and backing up my opinion more often.

but the good thing that has happened is that the youth director at OLV (my catholic church) has given Emily, Rosie and i permission to lead a meeting on January 25 on death and i feel so special i see that God as opened a door when i felt that i was failing him. on the day that i found out about the opportunity the daily verse was colossians 3:16 "let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing each other in hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your heart to the Lord" after reading that we decided to add some music into our meeting that we will be leading. please be praying for us as we take on this challenge and also for me with my school situation.

please comment if you will offer prayers, just so i can know that i will have prayer support! thanks

MUCH love until my next post!


Blogger Kristen! said...

Hey girl! Stay strong through Jesus! You have a mature grasp on His word and His will for your life. You ARE USEFUL to God. He uses you every day. We can't always see, and perhaps we'll never know how we're used by Him..Keep taking those steps of faith and lives will be impacted!! Love You Lots!! I'm always here. :)

5:30 PM

Blogger lizamundo said...

i heart you, brit!

5:32 PM


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