"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-- Romans 12:2

Monday, December 04, 2006

CLOSER- Sanctus Real

I'm not satisfied in this lifetime
I'm following you to the other side
There's nothing that can change my mind
You're all I need
You're the only tie that binds my heart
Away from you I'm falling apart
We need to be closer than we are
You're all I need
So what can I do to get closer?
I know there is more my heart can bear
I give you control 'cause I need you
To take me there
Like a bird flying south
I'm seeking you out
And there's no rope that can tie me down
I'm running home, I'm a slave set free
You're all I need
I am waiting
Draw me closer
I am waiting
Make me stronger

This song is by Sanctus Real and I love it! I guess I chose to post lyrics from this song today because I feel like I could be Closer to the Lord than I am right now. I feel like there is so much more that I could be doing to live for Him, more effort and time I could put into my devotions and more thought I could put into Him. Also the hardest thing for me, that I could be a better witness for Him and that I could willingly testify to people the truth. It is hard for me especially in english class when I write things about God, like a poem or a song or currently an essay about the Da Vinci Code. I feel like I could be so much closer to Him.
The last line of the song says "make me stronger" and that sums up my current plea.

"Lord make me stronger"



Blogger Rosieee! said...


02. But you want to get closer, non? That's what counts... remember, Jesus said himself that "faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains." Personally, I think that faith that thinks it's already perfect isn't faith at all, therefore, you've got plenty :]

03. I do know what you mean, though, especailly with witnessing. There are so many chances that just fly by without a second thought... I will DEFINITELY be praying for Camp Chris and not necesarially in the way Ellen suggested... that it would make all of us stronger [most especially Brian / Kyle] and more able to share [because it sounds like there's going to need to be an AWFUL LOT of sharing going on...]

j'aime tu :]

3:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey chica!! I would comment on that post but it's over a month later now and I just wanted you to kno I got one of these things so I could more easily look at ur guyes blogs lol. At least it isn't a myspace. Dude change your favortite books will u!! Where is the great & terrible?
love Jay lol

oh i guess i will comment on that post lol, that song is absolutly amazing and just what you needed aparently. (comment me back lol so you can check out my profile)

11:38 AM


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